Thursday, March 3, 2011


Exchange accounts on Entourage 2008 and Outlook 2011 for Mac are both susceptible to cache corruption- often leaving a user's inbox 'frozen'. If email is flowing to OWA but new messages aren't showing up in the inbox on Entourage or Outlook 2011, the problem may be a cache issue.

To resolve a caching issue, right-click (or ctr+click) on the inbox and choose Folder Properties. Hit the Empty button to purge the cache. Entourage (or Outlook 2011) will then empty the cached contents of the inbox and repopulate itself from the Exchange Server. Any local items in your inbox that have not synced to the server will be lost, but usually the server contents are more complete. *Note, this operation will appear to freeze the entire application for several minutes, and repopulation from the Exchange Server can take 1-2 hours depending on your connection speed and the amount of mail in your inbox.

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